Age: Start at 18
Closed Nov 10, 2024
Tuesday Morning Women's Round Robin Session 1
Start at 18
Convenor session 1 - Dot Knight
This Round Robin is now at maximum capacity, therefore, Registration is closed. If you wish to be added to the Spares List, please contact the Convener, Dot Knight at dottyknight81@gmail.com
10:30am to 12 pm
Oct. 8
Apr. 29
Members Only
Age: Start at 18
Tuesday Morning Women's Round Robin Session 2
Start at 18
Convener : Session 2 - (Florina Allega and Tina DiClemente)
This Round Robin is now at maximum capacity, therefore, Registration is closed. If you wish to be added to the Spares List, please contact the Convener, Tina Di Clemente at diclementet@gmail.com. If a spot opens up during the season, Tina will contact those on the Spares list to see if they wish to take the spot
12 pm to 1:30 pm
Oct. 8
Apr. 22
Members Only
Age: Start at 18
Wednesday Afternoon Men's Round Robin
Start at 18
Convener: Morgan Perigo
2 sessions, 12:30 to 2:00pm and 2:00 to 3:30pm Convener will contact you with assigned play times and courts
12:30 to 2:00pm and 2:00 to 3:30pm
Oct. 9
Apr. 30
Members Only
Age: Start at 18
Wednesday Night Women's League
Start at 18
Competitive Play, Convener: Andrea Saumure
You will be assigned to a group of 5 or 6 players depending on numbers registered and you will be scheduled to play 4 of 6 Wednesday's. After the completion of the 6 week rotation players are reassigned to a new group depending on their record of success. Usually 2 players stay, 2 move up one group and 2 move down one group.
2 sessions if needed, 6:30 to 8:00pm and 8:00 to 9:30pm
Oct. 9
Apr. 30
Members Only
Age: Start at 18
Thursday Women's Doubles League
Start at 18
Convener: Linda Lepic
This Round Robin is now at maximum capacity, therefore, Registration is closed. If you wish to be added to the Spares List, please contact the Convener, Linda Lipic at lindalipic@hotmail.com.
11:30am to 1:00pm
Oct. 3
Nov. 10
Members Only
Age: Start at 18
Friday Night Mixed Round Robin Drop In
Start at 18
convenor - Ed Sollbach
7:30 to 9:00pm
Oct. 4
Apr. 25
Members Only
Age: Start at 18
Saturday Morning Men's Winter League
Start at 18
Competitive Play-Convener: Alfredo Duque
Our Saturday morning league consists of 3 sessions, the first session from 8:30am to 10:10am, the second from 10:10am to 11:50am and the final session from 11:50am to 1:30 pm. You will be assigned to a group and a time-slot and will be scheduled to play 4 of 6 Saturday's. After completion of the 6 week cycle, a new 6 week cycle will be created, with players assigned groups depending on their record of success and available spots.
8:30am to 10am, 10am to 11:30 am and 11:30 am to 1pm
Oct. 5
Apr. 26
Members Only
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