Bronte Tennis Club Rules
As a Town of Oakville facility, the Bronte Tennis Club fully complies with the Town's RZONE policy and initiative. BTC is committed to fostering an environment of Respect for yourself; Respect for others; and Responsibility for your actions. Further, we support considerate relationships, in a positive, safe, and supportive environment for all individuals attending the Bronte Tennis Club. We will take all action necessary to discourage inappropriate behaviour.
For more details, please go to Town of Oakville RZONE Policy
Code of Conduct
2. To be assigned a court, members must register with the court attendant on duty. If there is no CA, players must put their name on the chalkboard with their start time. NOTE: at least 2 players must be present before being assigned a court. When there are members waiting, you are allowed 1 hour of play. If you want to continue playing after you have to relinquish your court, you must wait 15 minutes before being assigned to another court.
3. Only proper tennis attire (including non-marking tennis shoes) will be allowed on the courts. Jeans, cut offs, casual shoes and sandals are not permitted.
4. A maximum of 4 players are allowed on the court at one time. Spectators on the court are not permitted.
5. If all club courts are busy, players may play on the public court (#8), abiding by the Town’s Parks & Rec rules.
6. The following are not permitted in the club facilities:
- Abusive language or behavior
- Spitting on the courts
- Skateboards, scooters or roller blades
- Limited celluar phone use
7. Have fun! and remember tennis etiquette
Guest Policy
As a Member in good standing, you are welcome to bring a Guest into the Club to enjoy an hour of tennis and show off our great facilities. However, we do ask that you abide by the following guidelines.
1. Guests must be accompanied by a BTC Member.
2. On each visit, prior to play, a Visitors Form obtained from the court attendant must be completed and signed by both the Guest and the BTC member.
3. There is a $20 fee per guest/visit, payable to the Court Attendant.
4. Members are limited to a maximum of 6 guest visits per season.
5. Individual guests are limited to a maximum of 3 visits per season.
6. As the sponsoring Member, you are responsible for ensuring that your Guest adheres to the Club's policies governing conduct, etiquette and proper footwear. Please be advised that abuse of the Guest Policy may result in suspension of your membership.
Refund Policy
Bronte Tennis Club will refund any current year membership fee up to March 31, less a $20 administration charge. Refund inquiries should be directed to There will be NO membership refunds issued after May 1st. In the case of an injury that prohibits a member from active play, a pro-rated refund may be considered.